Become A Member!

Interested in joining Saint Peter Lutheran Church as a member? It starts with a quick conversation at church or you can even contact us online. Just let one of the pastors know you’re interested in learning more and they’ll either add you to the next Visitor Inquiry Class or share what our church is about.

What is a Visitor Inquiry Class? This is a meeting on Sunday after second service where we invite anywhere from six to a couple dozen folks who have expressed interest in Saint Peter. Together we enjoy a light lunch and hear from representatives of our ministry committees. Those who are interested in joining can do so at that time, or go home and discuss it further.

What does it mean to Join the Church? When you’re ready to join, we ask for your details and get a photo for our Member Directory. Once we have feedback from all those who are ready to join, we schedule a time to introduce our new members and read together with the congregation a special passage from the liturgy.

What is the Member Directory? Similar to the days of the paper Church Directory, members are listed in an app called CTRN which can be viewed on your phone or from our website. This app shares your phone number, email address, and home address with other members and your assigned Shepherd. Only members with the login for the app can see this information. You can also view people by groups such as the choir, handbells, Vacation Bible School team, live nativity, and so on. For example, if you join the choir you’ll be able to easily find other choir members and they’ll be able to find you as well.

What is the Connections Group? We have a private group on Facebook called Connections, which can only be accessed by members who are listed in the Member Directory and have a valid Facebook account. We try to post photos of our various activities to Connections as well as weekly updates from the Giving Garden. This enables folks at home and traveling to stay connected with other members of the congregation and their favorite activities. We encourage members to interact by liking or loving posts to show their appreciation and lift up our ministries.