One of our favorite causes at Saint Peter Lutheran Church is providing meals to folks in the area on the 2nd Saturday of each month, as well as on 5th Saturdays. We’re able to contribute our efforts to Meals on Wheels only because of the gracious gifts from our congregation, cooperation with the Southport Oak Island Interchurch Fellowship (SOIIF) Food Pantry in Boiling Springs, and the foresight of our predecessors who blessed us with a commercial kitchen at the church.

The Meals on Wheels effort is no small feat. It takes a village, as they say, and every 2nd week our volunteers descend on the Fellowship Hall to chop vegetables and prepare ahead for the big day on Saturday. Meanwhile, our Meal Coordinator has already invested many hours shopping food sales, accumulating donated items where we can, and creatively building a menu that includes a soup, salad, entree, and dessert. We’re also blessed with pet lovers in the community who provide small bags of dog and cat food for folks with fur babies to feed.

On 5th Saturdays the story is the same, but our Men of Faith group graciously takes on the tasks of planning, shopping, prepping, cooking, and delivering. The guys do us proud, getting more than 150 meals out the door and into the hands of our neighbors.

If you’re in need of some help, or if you want to help, please be sure to Contact Us! Let us know how we can get back to you and what questions you might have so we can direct your message to the right person.
Click here to see more photos of the folks at work, and feel free to share with others who are interested!