The Southport Oak Island Interchurch Fellowship (SOIICF) is hosting its annual Lenten services from Ash Wednesday through Easter week. All services begin at noon on Wednesdays and are followed by lunch. Offerings benefit the SOIICF Human Needs Fund.
- 2/14: Trinity United Methodist Church, co-hosted by Trinity and Mt Carmel AME Church, Rev. Dr. Walter Taylor officiating.
- 2/21: Southport Community Building, co-hosted by First Baptist Southport, Browns Chapel AMEZ, Christ Coastal, St. James AMEZ, S/OI Global Methodists, and the City of Southport, Rev. Nguyen Than officiating.
- 2/28: Oak Island Evangelical Presbyterian hosts, Rev. David Hubbs officiating.
- 3/6: Sacred Heart Catholic Church hosts, Rev. Edie Gleaves officiating.
- 3/13: Ocean View United Methodist Church hosts, Rev. Carrie Evans officiating.
- 3/20: Southport Presbyterian USA co-hosted by Southport Presbyterian and Friendship Missionary Baptist, Rev. Bill Eberle officiating.