A Memory By Rev. Robin Johnson.
The event: Wild Women Retreat.
The place: Lutheridge in Arden, NC.
The year: 2020.
The month: March.
Cue the dire music? Never!

A dozen members of Saint Peter’s Women of Faith joined women from around the state at a spirit-filled Wild Women Retreat from March 6th to 8th in 2020. The retreat at Lutheridge was led by Pastor Mary Canniff-Kuhn. The theme was Jesus’ I AM statements.
Pastor Mary is a wonderful storyteller and the discussions were lively. We had great fellowship, including a line dance, good food, crafts, and times set aside for enjoying nature or resting. My favorite memory was the line dancing where almost every woman – young and old – got up and danced.
However, my strongest memory has to do with when this retreat happened. Doesn’t the date sound familiar? I shared a room with Donna Godbout, a retired nurse. I remember asking her about why there was such a big hoopla over this strange new virus that people were talking about. Boy, did Donna give me an earful about what could happen! And – everything she told me COULD happen – DID. One of our women came home with Covid, as did others. And then everything shut down.

But oh, we had a blast. In fact I’m all for doing it again — except the Covid part.
Attendees to the best of my memory: Bonnie Bolea, Anita Bowman, Vicki Carlson, Jeannie Craig, Donna Godbout, Robin Johnson, Sharon Jordan, Roxanne Pratt, Lynette Rickard, Sandy Reibert, Brenda Williams.