Memorial vs Mission Endowment

What is the difference between these funds?

A Message from the
and the

The Saint Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church maintains two very important funds.  

The purpose of the Memorial Fund is to receive and distribute donations that enhance the operations, property, and mission of the church.

The purpose of the Mission Endowment Fund is to receive and distribute donations that support the work and mission of the Church in and beyond our community.

These funds have similarities:

  1. Members may donate to either or both of these funds in order to memorialize loved ones past and present or to simply make a gift.
  2. Each committee proposes how the funds will be distributed with Council’s approval.
  3. Donations may be made at any time and in any amount.

The differences are:

  1. The Mission Endowment Fund is invested in an Evangelical Lutheran Church of America Fund which is invested in the stock market. The earnings from that fund may be distributed annually as grants to local, national, and global not-for-profit charities nominated by parishioners. Minimum geographical distribution is 20% of the funds available in a particular program year (see rules for the fund).
  2. The Memorial Fund receives unrestricted gifts to enhance Saint Peters operations, property and the mission of the Church. Funds are used for such items as the church organ upgrade and other needs of the Church.

The Memorial Fund is also responsible for the Charles Moretz Scholarship Program.  Members in good standing with our church can apply in April to assist with continuing education classes or to help with their college degrees.

Each Fund serves a specific purpose. Both are equally important in fulfilling God’s purpose.


The Memorial Fund accepts gifts in the form of cash or real property.

The Mission Endowment Fund accepts gifts of cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, life insurance policies, annuities, wills, trusts, etc.

Both Funds have brochures in the pews with instructions on giving. Checks can be made out to SPLC and should indicate the specific fund intended to receive your donation.

The committees hope that you will consider incorporating a contribution to these funds in your annual giving as they are important to the work of our Church.

Thank you and may the peace of Christ be with you and your loved ones today and always.


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